Connect to the Source!
Rida Runcaite
Connect with your true inner values, your passion and your true purpose, feel blessed being alive. When you are aligned with your higher purpose, it activates creative force and gives meaning to your life. You are aligned with your higher self and universe, guided by the higher power always. You never feel lost and alone ever again. The Universe will orchestrate the best events, people, and attract the best opportunities to inspire you to grow and do things you love. You are cared and loved unconditionally.
My name is Rida Runcaite. I was born in Lithuania, now based in Sweden. I have learned that people go through hard times at least once in their lives. I`ve been there.. I was depressed, lost, afraid, empty, almost dying..And i know why..Bad choices and wrong decisions led to confusion, exhaustion and self-destruction. I was naive, giving away my power and energy to everyone, until I was empty. It felt like my soul has left the building.
Say yes to life say yes to you! Alignment is a process and takes time. Old things that no longer serve you must go. By connecting yourself with your inner values, your passion, your true purpose, you will receive abundance in all others areas of your life. When you are aligned with your higher purpose, it activates creative force and gives meaning to your life.
Multidimensional alignment program will transform you on all levels. It penetrates your being, revealing the most authentic YOU. It is designed to align you to your Higher Consciousness and activating your Intuitive Emotional Guiding System. When you are in alignment with your Cosmic Mind, you will make right choices, decisions, neccessary to make big changes in your life. You will attract right people, events, at the right place, at the right time, in Perfect Cosmic Synchronisation. Things will start flowing smoothly with ease and confidence. This program is very transformative and will have a powerful impact on you and those around you. Me and my multidimensional team are waiting for you.
4 Session Program Includes:
FREE Consultation 30-60min (Videop or Chat)
We will discuss your current situation.
First Session, One on One, Background Check
We will adress your issues, obstacles, past traumas, belief systems, confusions, mind constructs and programs. Thought, behaviour patterns, fears, doubts, insecurities, diagnosis and more.. We will look into your relationships, people in your enviroment. Do they empower you or disempower you? Do you need them in your life?
Second Session, One on One, Here Now
Mindfulness. How to quiten the mind and stubborn thoughts? Convert stress and anxiety into peace. What is meditation, how to meditate simple. Your daily life will become meditation 24/7 naturally, you will become meditation. You will learn how to free your mind from the clutter, so you can hear your inner voice, your own guiding system and trust your intuition. How to make right life decisions based on your true self desires?
Third Session, One on One, Future Bright
What is your passion? Your dreams? Make a wish! You just unleashed your own geenie! Lets indentify your true higher purpose, it will give you meaning to your life, and you will wake up with smile on your face every morning.
Fourth Session, One on One, Follow Up, Q & A
Updates, upgrades, new downloads You will share with me your aquired experience and knowledge. Confirming your path and purpose.
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